
Mar 24, 20228 min

My Wife’s Eternal Love!

In a world that longs for answers, most of us do not pay attention to the answers that do come. Many are too busy with what they believe is important and they never slow down to really think about where the answers come from. This week my wife's spirit left her body and she is now home with Jesus. In situations like these it drives many people over the edge. In our life, my wife and I got to find love that surpassed all human understanding. It was a love that we knew would always be okay no matter what happened and this is now even true in what the world calls death. Death means "separation" and she is not separated from God because of Jesus! See we both made the choice to believe in Jesus and to do our best to seek this truth. I will not lie to you, there were days that we would strive to understand and wonder how this faith brings answers. As time went on we would begin to see how things would just fall into place and how our love for each other grew deeper. Of course we had bad days everyone does but those became far and few between the closer we got to Jesus. I would strive to seek the word of God so that I could love my wife the way Yahweh (God) intended for me too and how His Christ set example for us too. I noticed how peace would come, and my patience would grow deeper. I could also see that her love for me was doing the same thing! Now even in this reality where I had to say goodbye for now, it is even more evident that this love we had was not of this world.

John 14:6

6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

So many people have heard this verse that Jesus has spoken but so many people really take it for granted as well. This week my wife’s body was laid into the ground. The same day that this happened the Father in heaven gave me such a reassurance that because of our faith in His son Jesus she is definitely with them both in heaven. See people focus on Jesus saying these words above but they will forget to realize that Jesus is telling us there is a final destination. We can be in the presence of the Father who created all things even before we get to heaven by prayer mediated through our faith in Jesus.

1 Timothy 2:5

5 For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

The amazing thing is that when we do have to take our last breath then we will forever be in His presence never having pain or hurt again. So many will question this or have their doubts but I write this today so that if you should read these words, then I hope that what I write sinks in. What happened is impossible to be just random chance, it was orchestrated by my Heavenly Father through my wife and I’s faith in the finish work of Jesus!

On Saturday morning March 19 2022 I wrote an outline that would help me keep my thoughts together for when I speak at my wife’s funeral. Below is the outline!

My love for my Dove

John 11:25-26

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,

26 and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”

1- tell them about how we met 20 years ago

2- tell them how she became to be my dove (John 1:32 the dove)

3- tell them about our love for God and how it strengthened our love for one another

4- Tell them how much she meant to me

5- Tell them about what the truth of Christ did in her

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,

does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

6- Read poem

It seemed fitting to speak John 11:25-26 first before I would go into more details about my wife. My wife and I believe this 100%. This seems so cliché at times but my Lord Jesus and His Father showed me that this is beyond cliché. This truth makes Jesus the protégé of the redeemed children of God! So many will question this truth and the life of Jesus but the day of my wife’s funeral my Father confirmed this! One of my best friends who is a brother in Christ has a beautiful family and right before the Funeral service started his 9 year old daughter Evy handed me a piece of paper. I thanked her and gave her a big hug as I stuck it in my pocket. After we prayed over my wife’s body and closed the casket I was standing there waiting to start the service. Before we walked into the chapel area I pulled the paper out and read it! This below is the actual paper!

I broke down crying even more at that moment. How was this possible that this little precious girl was able to write this exact same thing! After the service her father, my brother in Christ, gave me a huge hug and I asked him did you see what your daughter made me. He replied no and I showed him. As both of us stood there amazed I looked around and called for his daughter. She came up and I gave her another hug as I cried. I told her God used you today that was what I had written and just shared. She smiled and looked at us both saying “I just opened my daddy’s bible and saw that verse so I wrote it”!

How amazing is this you wonder? That was just the beginning of it because after the funeral my boss gave me a card. I didn’t open this card and read it until after the grave side service but when I did, it just added more amazement to what had already happened! This was the card!

Of course once again I just lost it because this was just down right amazing! After a little girl opens the greatest book ever given to mankind and picks the exact same thing I chose to read, my boss just picks out of all cards in the whole wide world a card with the exact same verse. Are you getting this yet? The God I serve knows that I know my wife is with Him and His son Jesus! He did not have to do this for me but my children were with me all day and they witnessed this first hand. Not only did this strengthen their faith it amazed them as well! The beauty of it all though is that this exact same card was given to my Father and Mother in-laws the Thursday before! Tell me that Jesus is not the way, the truth, and the life now you crazy world! All I have to say is “GET BEHIND ME SATAN”!

So as if this is not enough my heavenly Father went to even greater lengths to glorify this truth of what Jesus did and to prove that my wife is with Jesus now! When we got home later from the funeral I told my children we are going to my men’s bible study later and I want you to come. We had to tell the men of this awesome confirmation from God! Before we left though I had checked the mail and I had received a card from my older brother. I opened the card and on the face of the card it showed me this!

Look familiar to you? I too had been led by God to speak this for my wife! This chapter 13 in Corinthians is known as the love chapter and I would read it too my wife several times. I love it because it reminds me of what true love in God’s eyes is! This is so amazing in so many ways! Yahweh (God) the Father of all creation said this in the Old Testament!

Deuteronomy 19:15

15 “A single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed; on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed.

Not only did my heavenly Father confirm that my wife was with Him and Jesus, He did it with so many witnesses. See a lot of times we are too busy being selfish or being mad at God to even pay attention to such things. Many people will count things as a coincidence or just a fluke but the fact is God is in control. I urge anyone who reads this to please believe in the name of Jesus, the son of Yahweh (God)! You will never regret it!

The most awesome part of the whole day was when my children and I were on our way home! See I called my wife dove because just like how John the Baptist knew Jesus was the Christ (anointed one) in John 1:32, I knew God had sent her into my life! That is why I always call her dove. Then on our way home all of a sudden a pure white dove swooped right in front of my windshield with its wings spread wide. It was so amazing and beautiful as it still brings tears to my eyes. I never recall seeing a pure white dove for real in my life.

I ask you who read this to please share this with people you love and ask them to ask themselves, have you taken the time to believe in Jesus? Not only does this matter now, it matters for eternity. See all these things God gave me was to show me that my wife and I’s love was not just in this lifetime, it is an eternal love knitted together by the living God and His son Jesus. It is a love that no evil can ever shatter! It is a love that transcends all human understanding! It is a love that can never die and it all started with our belief in what Jesus did at that cross! Anyone who has read my blogs the past two and half years will know that we are running out of time. Jesus is coming very soon and he wants to bring you home with him! If you need help understanding further please reach out to this website or seek another friend or family member that believes in Jesus! Seek him with all your heart while you can because tomorrow might be too late. My wife is the most amazing person and she is with Jesus now! I guarantee this and one day I will be with her! Please don’t let the chance to believe in this truth pass you by! May Yahweh Bless you and His Christ (anointed one) Jesus guide your hearts in the days ahead!

Romans 10:9

9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
