More About Truth in Jesus Ministries
God the Father has laid on my heart to help speak truth to the world before He sends His Christ back to this world. For so many people , they are misplaced in the deception of evil. It is so important that the world knows that being a Christian is not a religion it is a way of life. It is knowing the true God through the truth of His only begotten Son Jesus of Nazareth.

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"Jesus Loves Sinners" is a truth that all men, women, and children need to know in these end days. This was written by a son of the most high and in these words readers will find the truth of the life of Jesus who was the Christ (anointed one) of the great “I AM”. Religion has always been one of the biggest barriers that has held humanity back from the truth. Satan is real and he is at war with all mankind, even the ones who are chasing his deception and the web of lies that the evil has set before the world. Love is the language that God (Yahweh) speaks and in these words the readers will find the true meaning of the love of the all mighty creator. The prayers that were sent with these words are and will always make the ones who read these words safe in knowing the peace of the mighty God. The Holy (set apart) spirit is moving and will cause the evil to run from your lives. This book is not to ever be sold at any time! It is to be given freely to all mankind so that the words of God can do its work on the hearts that are so broken from the lies of the evil one. The truth needs to be heard as the day of the return of the King is coming and coming fast. “Truth in Jesus” ministries is able to be reached by the information below and if you would like to donate to help make more copies to be given out please contact us. The work is not ours, it is the fathers who is in heaven and if we allow him to do the work through us then it is exactly what Jesus said would happen “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. We can all love each other to death in the flesh, so as to all come alive in the spirit and this my brothers and sisters will stop Satan cold in his tracks.
“Truth in Jesus” ministry
May the peace of God find your hearts and set you all free from the deception of evil!
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We are all looking for love, from the time we are born until the time we take our last breath. The love that the world offers is wrapped in deception from the fallen angels. We are taught from a young age to be the best you that you can be. What if you don't know who you are? What if the reason you have been searching for acceptance in drugs, alcohol, sex, love of money, etc... has been one big lie? This struggle is real for so many people because of the lies of the culture that surrounds us. We would love to help you understand the true Jesus. The real God of the bible that Jesus died to give us all access too. The real truth is that the power of God was displayed in the resurrection of Jesus and will be displayed again with the return of the King Jesus!
1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.